survival strategies for newcomers


How to prepare for TELC B2 Deutsch Prüfung

The good idea is to know what you’re expected to deliver. Then you will be more focused on the execution of the content rather than understanding how you should do it. The whole concept of TELC exams lies in the communication abilities. You don’t need to know all the grammar issues like Partizip II, Konjunktiv I or Plusquamperfekt. It can help you however to tell the differences lying in Konnektoren to find out the meaning of the sentence. Since the exam will test your skills in logical thinking, you should know how to distinguish a negation from confirmation.

The first step should be to visit the TELC Websitewhere you can check the Modeltests, Tipps and even listen the oral exam recording. The website offers as well the YouTube clips with examples of oral exams. The purpose is to be familiar with the whole process. Since you know what to expect you will know what you should practice.

The secret lies in keywords and sentence openers. It’s essential to proof that you’re familiar with extended vocabulary, even if you’re not using them on daily basis. You will get the idea of what will add you points with the following examples: “Meine Meinung nach…”, “In diesem Text geht es…”, “Ich sehe das ganz anders…” or “Auf diesem Grund möchte ich mich beschweren”. Those are the magic keys that will unlock examiners pens to add you extra points. You can find more sentences like these in the Letter examples attached to the website, in some course books like “Em neu” and at the end of this text.

Good to know them, but how to memorize them? Just group them in categories and repeat as often as possible. You should use all your senses. Write them on the paper, read them loud and you can even record them on your Dictaphone, so you can listen it during jogging or even on your way to exam (sometimes even during the pauses).

Of course some general knowledge is still needed, because when you read a text, you should know what to look there for. So in the reading part you should start from reading multiple choice answers and then to look for their justification in the base text. You should know the synonymes as well as the differences between similar sounding words. Practice makes perfect so try to do as many reading tests as possible. It will help you too with learning the connections between words, so by the time you will get to Sprachbausteine, you should see which words pass and which don’t. But don’t be too stressed about it. This part is not so highly rated. Here only the minimum grammar and syntax knowledge is needed.

Listening the foreign language is always hard, especially when the speakers use Umgangsprache. What makes it harder, on B2 level you will hear the text only once. So when you will get the test sheet you should immediately read all the answers and underline the keywords within the sentences. And while listening to the records you should look for some connection with text. Don’t let yourself be fooled by hearing one or two words from the text – the meaning might be quite different. But it’s only to decide whether the sentences are true or false, so you have 50% chances to guess it right.

Speaking of chances, you should always answer somehow, even if you don’t know the answer. There are no penalty points and you might get lucky. All for parts – reading, writing, hearing and speaking – are equally important. For each you will get maximum 75 points, and to pass the whole exam you need to have at least 180 out of 300 points (60% of all). Not bad.
Once you did all the reading tasks before time, you might ask the tester if you can have a break. If so, you can use that time to check your favorites phrases in the writing part later on. Time is on your side, so don’t forget to have a good watch. Cell phones are not allowed. You have 90 minutes for reading part, 20 for hearing and 30 for writing. Then comes a break and oral exam, because only two students will be allowed in the same room.

Writing seems hard because you need to use the proper spelling and grammar. A good tip is to remember all the key phrases and write them down on the working paper instantly. Then you can start reading your task. Usually it’s a letter of the following matter: reclamation, ask for more information or application. If you read the model tests before, you will know what to do by now. Just remember to start with all the needed elements like date, addresses, topic, greeting and signing the letter at the end.

By know you know the structure and the needed expressions so you can jump into using words from the content of the exercise with the help of your imagination and write the examples of the specific topic to mention. Once you will write them down on the working paper, you can construct the final version on the official paper. Only the pencils are allowed so improving the right order of the sentence (Verb am Ende!) with the help of eraser shouldn’t be a problem. Once again check the spelling and if you addressed all the needed issues. Half an hour is enough time to write down a proper formal letter only when you know what and how you should write it. Now you will have a break which can be few hours long since it depends from the order in which your name is on the student list. Use the break wisely to re-energize with coffee, at best in a silent area while drilling yourself for oral exam.

Before oral exam two students have max. 20 minutes for preparation in an isolated room. There you can use your dictionary in a printed form and write down on a paper all the words and phrases you want to use during the exam. Oral exams consists of three parts: presentation, discussion and problem solving. Each of them lasts ca. 5 minutes.

The presentation mean that you will give a small speech about the book you recently read, a film you watched, a trip you made, a visited exhibition or some other activity. Mind to make if familiar for German natives, so they will get the idea faster and understand you better. You can always mention something nice about their culture or Heimat. All in all, you should express yourself fluently, but not longer than 90-120 seconds. Than you should answer impromptu for two-three questions from your partner, and then he has time for his presentation and answering your questions. This part takes 5 minutes. Do it at home and practice your speech until you will be able to say it without a break. And do mention specific words from this area too. At home you could prepare your short introduction for the beginning of oral exam, which will save your nerves (and time). You should mention your name, and some issue dealing with your occupation, place of live or approach to German language. If you will do it in a interesting way, you will make a very good first impression on examiners. It counts, because they will perceive your skills in a more favorable way. From then on they will try to verify whether the first impression was right instead of waiting for your highlight moment.

If you have prepared carefully your presentation beforehand, during the preparation time you will have 10 minutes to read and understand the article. This time with the help of your dictionary. You should prepare some pros and contras to the mentioned issue, and you could write down some phrases on the paper which will help you to lead the discussion. Then you still have 10 minutes for the third part which focuses on teamwork. You should write down what you will ask your partner for and what solutions you could deliver. The task of this exercise lies in using not general but specific words, so when you have to propose a trip you should mention the right vocabulary. So here the dictionary comes handy too. And naturally during the exam you should cooperate with your partner in finding the right solution for a problem. If he isn’t very talkative, you should moderate more the flow of the conversation. The examiners will check as well how good are your communication skills.

After this part is finished, your stress will pour away from your body and you will share your experience with your fellow students. Hopefully you will have a celebration time, because after using those strategies you should feel relieved by now.

Some examples to use in writing a letter:

Ich warte auf Ihre Antwort.
Ich habe noch einige Fragen zur der Leistung. Die sind:
Wie gesagt…
Ich weiß, dass Fälle gibt…
und ich möchte auch gerne wissen, wenn…

…möchte ich gerne eine Unfallversicherung beantragen.
Ich möchte Sie gerne ein paar Informationen bitten: Um wie viel und mit welchem Alter bekomme ich bei Ihnen meine Renter?

Ich habe Ihre Anzeige in der Tageszeitung gelesen.
Betreff: Unfallversicherung Schutz
…aber in Wahrheit war der Strand 10 Kilometer vom Camp entfernt.
Deshalb würde ich 50 % Geld von Ihnen zurückbekommen.
Vom 1.04. bis 14.04.2006 habe ich im Jugendcamp Silberstrand zwei Wochen Urlaub gemacht.
Als ich Ihre Anzeige in der Zeitung las, war ich sofort begeistert.
Meiner Meinung nach war das wirklich sehr langweilig.
Es war sehr unbequem.
Alles in allem war dieser Urlaub eine einzige Katastrophe und ich bin sehr unzufrieden.
Aus diesem Grund bitte ich Sie, mir die bezahlte Summe von 380 Euro zurückzuerstatten.

Ihre Stellenanzeige habe ich im Internet auf Ihrer Homepage gelesen und Bewerbe mich…
Zurzeit studiere ich Touristik in Frankfurt, nebenbei reise ich sehr oft in andere Länder.
Dadurch habe ich viel Erfahrung über Tourismus.
Zu meinen Stärken gehören Kontaktfreudigkeit…
Des Weiteren kann ich drei Sprachen anwenden.
Über eine Einladung zum persönlichen Vorstellungsgespräch werde ich mich sehr freuen.
Zu meinen Stärken zähle ich auch ausgeprägte Kommunikationsfähigkeit.
Ich absolvierte eine Ausbildung zum Public Relations…
Hinzu kommt, dass ich über sehr gute EDV-Kenntnisse verfüge.
Außerdem bin ich sehr teamfähig und kann mich schnell in ein neues Team integrieren.
Wenn es möglich ist würde ich gerne den Vertrag zum ersten das nächste Monat beantragen.
Außerdem reise ich gerne alleine in viele orientalische Ländern da mich interessiert.